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We beseech You, Lord, to behold us with favour.

Help us to perform our duties cheerfully and with kind faces. Teach us to follow in the steps of those who have counted honour better than life, and sacrifice nobler than safety. Keep us from any dishonesty and deceitfulness which may cast a slur on our family, our school or on our country. 


Oh!  Almighty, everlasting God, mercifully look upon our weaknesses and in all our doings and needs stretch forth Your right hand to help and defend us. 

Oh!  God who has made of one blood all nations of men, please receive and accept the humble prayers we offer for our anxious and troubled world.

Send Your light into our darkness and guide the nations as one family in the ways of peace.

Take away all prejudice and hatred and fear. 

Strengthen in us day by day the will to understand, and to those who lead the peoples of the world, grant wisdom and a right  judgement so that through them and us Your will be done.




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