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Mrs I Dolinschek


Ad Altissima


Nigel High School is a school with a definite vision and mission of initiative, upliftment and achievement.  We strive for excellence in our academic performance, achievements, behaviour, attitudes and appearances.  We are more than just a school – it is a way of life.  We are a school that works in partnership with all stakeholders, educators, departmental officials, parents, learners and communities.


Under the leadership of a motivated, dedicated and committed Principal and with the support of a dedicated and like-minded School Management Team we  make a difference in the lives of our learners.  At our school we want to ensure that every learner does well and leaves our school with the necessary knowledge, values, skills and qualifications that will give them the best chance of success in adult life.  Therefore quality teaching and learning is taking place.


We believe in fair but strict discipline.


We are collectively committed to create a better future for all our learners.


I would like to conclude this address with a very familiar Irish blessing:


May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind always be at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face

and rains fall soft upon your fields

and until we meet again,

may God hold you in the palm of this hand.


Ad Altissima.






To be a school that works in partnership with all stakeholders in the best interest of the child.



  1. Treat each member as an individual

  2. Promote excellence and vibrancy at all levels

  3. Promote mutual respect and love

  4. Be a responsible school

  5. Be a caring and disciplined school

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